Therapeutic Recreation
We're in this together

Promoting Self Esteem Online Training
Earn 1 hour CEU = .1 credit

​Self esteem is an integral part of an individual's mental makeup and human psychology. It is an image we have about ourselves, how we feel, how we react to our work, our relationships with family and in general, how we socialize in the community as a whole.  In this on training the participant will exam how self esteem is viewed in the elderly and they can assist them through the changes of their lifestyles and a changes in the roles in life. 

Learning Outcomes:
In this training participants will be able to: 
1.  Develop and/or select self esteem interventions and approaches to achieve individual and group goals. 
2.  Identify three benefits of a self esteem program.
3.  Demonstrate the understanding of lifestyle changes in the elderly and how it affects their self esteem. 

Presentation Outline:
1.  What is self esteem?
2.  Life changes and self esteem.
3.  Early signs of low self esteem. 
4.  How to build self esteem
5. Programming ideas for self esteem groups

Training materials will be emailed within 24 hours of purchase. This allows you to view and complete the training at any time for your convenience.